In Luke 18:1, Jesus taught His disciples to “always pray and not give up,” through the parable of the persistent widow. In this parable a widow kept coming to the judge with a plea for justice. At first he refused, but finally he said, “I will see that she gets justice so that she won’t eventually wear me out with her coming!” (Luke 18:2-5)

Jesus had already taught His disciples about being persistent in prayer in Luke 11, with the parable of the friend at midnight. But in the order and sequence of His teaching on prayer, here in Luke 18 He added another dimension to that teaching. It is one thing to go to a neighbor in the middle of the night to ask for bread for a hungry friend, but it requires quite another level of boldness to go time and again before a judge who has repeatedly turned us down.

Where do we find such boldness? In knowing that we have been told to come boldly—confidently, fearlessly—to the throne of grace (Hebrews 4:16). In knowing that we come in the righteousness of Christ (Romans 4:22-24). In boldly praying Scripture, knowing as we do we are praying God’s will, and He promises to answer (1 John 5:14).


Prayer Paves the Way to the Holidays
Prayer Paves the Way to the Holidays

The holidays are nearly here. For many people, perhaps the thought of gathering with family isn’t filled with anticipation but hesitance. Maybe there is a feeling of anxiety or sadness. The truth is that not all families have holidays gatherings that are perfect and filled with joy. We have a few suggestions that we believe will help because we believe that nothing is impossible with God! 

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Longing for Rest
Longing for Rest

Jesus’ promise is paired with both an invitation and instruction. In order to receive the promised and guaranteed rest, we must first answer the invitation and go to Jesus. Thankfully, we can come as we are – weary and burdened.

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More of Him, Less of Me
More of Him, Less of Me

When I put myself – my worries, my troubles, my identity, my this and my that – at the forefront of my mind, I was met with more confusion, more frustration, more torment. I was in my own mind’s maze, encaged and lost. Instead, when I set my mind on Jesus – the Way, the Truth and the Life – I was met with “the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding.” 

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